Dear Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:
You suck. Plain and simple. Most of this years inductees are a slap in the face of what rock and roll is. Does Alice Cooper deserve to be in the hall of fame? Yes, certianly. Does Neil Diamond...perhaps. I guess he could be rock n' roll. Does Leon Russel deserve to be inducted? Who in the blue hell is Leon Russel?!
I mean really, things were starting to really look up in 2009 when Metallica, Jeff Beck and even Run DMC were inducted. In 2010, there was Genesis and The Stooges. Two acts that deserve to be inducted into a ROCK HALL OF FAME! But where the hell is Rush? Red Hot Chili Peppers? KISS? You are telling me that Dr. John and Darlene Love deserve to be in the Rock hall of fame more than the above mentioned three acts. The worst is that a "little known" publication, "Rolling Stone Magazine" even stated that the Chili Peppers were front runners for induciton. The irony is that Rolling Stone is owned by Jann Wenner, who is also the Charman for the Hall of Fame.
Now, I know that lesser known acts and such deserve some recognition, but does Rush really not deserve to be in the same class as Genesis, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin? Do the Chili Peppers not deserve to be in the same class as Metallica? It is a freaking injustice!
I hate you, hall of fame!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Korn Concert in Zurich
So I am back. Well, I came back a couple of weeks ago, but factor in visits from family, unpacking, job hunting and slothing, I just found some time now while number one is eating her breakfast. Switzerland was good, but, in typical me fashion, one of my favourite things was heading to Zurich and catching the Korn concert there. Sure, Switzerland offers mountains and chocolate and people walking around with cow bells, but it also offered at the time that we were there a Korn concert, which I had to go to. The show was a place called the Volkshaus, which was a little ballroom that housed about 1500 people, which was awesome because it was an intimate set. It was a completely different experience, they allow beer and alcohol on the concert floor, which in Canada anyways never happens, and they also handed out ear plugs at the door (which was good because I forgot mine, since I promised that I would wear some to the next show I was going to after the Slayer concert).
Korn has gone through a few line up changes for the past few years. Guitarist Brian "Head" Welch left the band after finding god in 2005, and drummer David Silveria left in 2006 to focus or his restaurants. David has subsequently been replaced by Drummer Ray Luzier. But anyway, enough of the back story.
The open act was a band called Dimmu Borgir, which is a Norwegian black metal band. Now, I was just as excited to see Dimmu Borgir as I was to see Korn.
I have been a fan of them for quite some time now, and always wanted to see what they were like as a live band. They incorporate pipe organs and symphonies to their music, and most recently a choir. Very interesting type of stuff, but definitely not everyone’s taste in music. They were a pretty good live band, loud and head-bangy, but their music doesn't really have the mosh factor to it. There isn't a lot of rhythm to the guitars, just loud and fast. They were cool to see live, and I would likely see them again given the chance, but not the best I have seen. Here is a video of theirs that shows what type of music they play.
Korn came on and played around a 90 minute set. Because the show was in such a small venue, there weren't many theatrics that I have seen at the other Korn shows I have attended in Toronto, but that wasn't even an issue. They blazed through songs from all of their albums, and strangely only playing one song, Let the Guilt Go, from their newest album. They opened with Here to Stay, from 5th album Untouchables, which was different from other times where they have opened with lead track from their debut album, Blind.
As with all the other times that I have seen Korn, the energy was high in the crowd. Lots of pogo-ing and moshing but no one getting stupid or getting hurt. The encore was great, because Jonathan came out playing the bag pipes to start of Shoots and Ladder, which led into Metallica cover One. (Great to hear them play One, but even better to hear Metallica play it themselves). Great show. I love Korn. I recommend for anyone to go and see them if even if you only have the slightest interest in them. After seeing them live, you would love them. They are a great live band.
Some final notes. Yes, I wore ear plugs. It was the first time that I did ever at a show. My hearing is in the shitter as it is, and a promise is a promise and I wore them. Surprisingly, it was worth it because I could actually hear the next day. Also, a friend of mine (J) turned me onto Korn when Follow the Leader came out, and I am happy about that. Finally, in no way should Korn be considered Nu-metal. Just because they have rhythm and beats doesn't mean that they are nu-metal. They don't rap in their songs, they rhyme. And if rhyming is a criteria for nu-metal then nearly all acts should be considered n-metal.
Korn has gone through a few line up changes for the past few years. Guitarist Brian "Head" Welch left the band after finding god in 2005, and drummer David Silveria left in 2006 to focus or his restaurants. David has subsequently been replaced by Drummer Ray Luzier. But anyway, enough of the back story.
The open act was a band called Dimmu Borgir, which is a Norwegian black metal band. Now, I was just as excited to see Dimmu Borgir as I was to see Korn.
I have been a fan of them for quite some time now, and always wanted to see what they were like as a live band. They incorporate pipe organs and symphonies to their music, and most recently a choir. Very interesting type of stuff, but definitely not everyone’s taste in music. They were a pretty good live band, loud and head-bangy, but their music doesn't really have the mosh factor to it. There isn't a lot of rhythm to the guitars, just loud and fast. They were cool to see live, and I would likely see them again given the chance, but not the best I have seen. Here is a video of theirs that shows what type of music they play.
Korn came on and played around a 90 minute set. Because the show was in such a small venue, there weren't many theatrics that I have seen at the other Korn shows I have attended in Toronto, but that wasn't even an issue. They blazed through songs from all of their albums, and strangely only playing one song, Let the Guilt Go, from their newest album. They opened with Here to Stay, from 5th album Untouchables, which was different from other times where they have opened with lead track from their debut album, Blind.
As with all the other times that I have seen Korn, the energy was high in the crowd. Lots of pogo-ing and moshing but no one getting stupid or getting hurt. The encore was great, because Jonathan came out playing the bag pipes to start of Shoots and Ladder, which led into Metallica cover One. (Great to hear them play One, but even better to hear Metallica play it themselves). Great show. I love Korn. I recommend for anyone to go and see them if even if you only have the slightest interest in them. After seeing them live, you would love them. They are a great live band.
Some final notes. Yes, I wore ear plugs. It was the first time that I did ever at a show. My hearing is in the shitter as it is, and a promise is a promise and I wore them. Surprisingly, it was worth it because I could actually hear the next day. Also, a friend of mine (J) turned me onto Korn when Follow the Leader came out, and I am happy about that. Finally, in no way should Korn be considered Nu-metal. Just because they have rhythm and beats doesn't mean that they are nu-metal. They don't rap in their songs, they rhyme. And if rhyming is a criteria for nu-metal then nearly all acts should be considered n-metal.
Dimmu Borgir,
Friday, September 17, 2010
Gone away
Leaving for Switzerland tonight (friday, the 17th) and won't be back until the 4th of October. I guess that means there is a stong possibility that I won't be doing an update until I get back, but I promise for good stuff when I return.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
You know, when I started blogging a few months ago, I had delusions of grandeur, thinking that I would be able to update a few times a week. Then I realized that what I was blogging about didn't all fit together. Having a post about the devil or whatever doesn't really fit right after a post about my newest daughter, so then I decided to break up into two parts: The 29 minute mark, where I talk about stuff that I like music and movies and whatever is on my mind, and Helpful daddy, where I do get to mention about my kids and food and other family type stuff.
What I didn't realize was that keep two independent blogs was tough, but keeping two blogs with two kids is extra impossible. So where I say up in the header "updated a couple times a week" is really a pipe dream. I am happy when I am able to update once a week for each of the blogs. Sometimes, when I have a quick post like this, it is easy, but other times, when I want to rant about something, it may take a little while longer, and with kids wanting attention, that makes it much more difficult.
So, long story made too even longer, I am not able to post a couple of times a week, but more like whenever I my kids will allow me for extra time (which, I am guessing is when the eventually move out of the house)
What I didn't realize was that keep two independent blogs was tough, but keeping two blogs with two kids is extra impossible. So where I say up in the header "updated a couple times a week" is really a pipe dream. I am happy when I am able to update once a week for each of the blogs. Sometimes, when I have a quick post like this, it is easy, but other times, when I want to rant about something, it may take a little while longer, and with kids wanting attention, that makes it much more difficult.
So, long story made too even longer, I am not able to post a couple of times a week, but more like whenever I my kids will allow me for extra time (which, I am guessing is when the eventually move out of the house)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Bad Idea - Sticking a Knife in a Socket
Have you ever wondered what would happen in you stuck a knife into a socket? Come on, don't be like that, I know you have thought about it, and really, who hasn't. Everyone always wants to do what they are told that they can't, and I am pretty sure everyone has been told not to put anything onto a wall outlet. But the real question is "why shouldn't I? I mean, what is the worst that can happen?" So starts a new segment I like to call "Bad Ideas."
So why is it a bad idea to put a knife, or wet fingers or anything conductive into a wall socket, and what would happen if you did? Well, as we all know, there is electricity flowing through the wires in the wall, and when you plug something into the wall, to completes the connection or circuit and allows the electricity to power the appliance that is plugged in. The wires themselves, are essentially harmless until the circuit is complete. Electricity always wants to be grounded, and the human body is a good conductor of electricity due to us being mostly water sacks. That is why a bird can sit on a wire; there isn't enough voltage drop across their bodies and they are not connected to a ground source.
So if you stuck an un-insulated knife into a wall socket, you will complete the circuit, and essentially the electricity will flow through you and ground itself. Depending on where you are in the world will dictate how much is going to flow through you. If you are in North America, you will get 110V, 60Hz, whereas, in Europe, you will get 220V and 60Hz. You would feel a pulse going trough you at the same frequency of the electricity, around 60 pulses per second (which is a Hertz), and there could be serious injuries or even death. So long story short, it is a bad idea. For more information, check out howstuffworks
Incidentally, it is possible, though not recommended, to stick a metal object into a socket and not get electrocuted so long as the handle of the object is well insulated. The insulation acts as a barrier to prevent electrical shock. That is why you can handle appliances that are plugged into the wall and not feel the wrath of the electrical current.
Tom Bloom (c)
So why is it a bad idea to put a knife, or wet fingers or anything conductive into a wall socket, and what would happen if you did? Well, as we all know, there is electricity flowing through the wires in the wall, and when you plug something into the wall, to completes the connection or circuit and allows the electricity to power the appliance that is plugged in. The wires themselves, are essentially harmless until the circuit is complete. Electricity always wants to be grounded, and the human body is a good conductor of electricity due to us being mostly water sacks. That is why a bird can sit on a wire; there isn't enough voltage drop across their bodies and they are not connected to a ground source.
So if you stuck an un-insulated knife into a wall socket, you will complete the circuit, and essentially the electricity will flow through you and ground itself. Depending on where you are in the world will dictate how much is going to flow through you. If you are in North America, you will get 110V, 60Hz, whereas, in Europe, you will get 220V and 60Hz. You would feel a pulse going trough you at the same frequency of the electricity, around 60 pulses per second (which is a Hertz), and there could be serious injuries or even death. So long story short, it is a bad idea. For more information, check out howstuffworks
Incidentally, it is possible, though not recommended, to stick a metal object into a socket and not get electrocuted so long as the handle of the object is well insulated. The insulation acts as a barrier to prevent electrical shock. That is why you can handle appliances that are plugged into the wall and not feel the wrath of the electrical current.
Bad Ideas
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Top Ten Most Influential Bands/Artists #6 - Jimi Hendrix
It has been an extra long time since I tossed out a post on my top 10 list, so I figured it was about time. So number six is going to be Jimi Hendrix. It is certainly hard to have a best in rock n' roll list without the inclusion of arguably the greatest guitarist to ever grace the stage.
For Jimi's back story, he was bounced around within his family, moving in with different family members because of divorce and alcohol abuse from his mother. He started to play guitar when he was 15 and just kept practicing, never stopping. Jimi was in the army for a brief stint for about a year ans was discharged because he was lazy and couldn't fire a gun. Luckily for the rock n roll community, he wasn't lazy with the guitar.
So why should Jimi Hendrix be included on this list? Well, for starters, this man was one of the first people to embrace the now popular sound of feedback. In only 28 short years of life, he released three albums with the Experience, and another whopping 11 albums posthumously. His guitar style is so distinctive that most people educated in rock can tell a Hendrix song just by the sound of the guitar. He was inducted into the rock n' roll hall of fame in 1992 and was the recipient of the lifetime achievement award grammy. Rolling Stone named him the greatest guitarist of all time, and really, there is little dispute with that claim. He has influenced countless acts, where most everyone who plays guitar mentions Jimi in some way for his playing style. Hendrix only really recorded music for about four years, but his legacy will always live on.
Here is Jimi's version of All along the Watchtower,
Jime Hendrix,
Top 10
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Master Chef
Man, it has been a few days since I have but a post up here. I'd like to point blame at everyone but myself, but in the end, I guess it was all me that was the slacker.
So I decided (unwillingly, as I only have three channels. But who am I kidding, I would watch this even if I had a fleet of channels) to watch this new Gordon Ramsay TV show called Master Chef. Maybe it isn't new for all I know, but it is new to the three channels that I have available to watch. Anyway, back to the ramblings. Essentially, this show is another reality show where some no name, aspiring chef schmucks from all different walks of life are selected to compete to become America's master chef. I believe that the prize is also to have a cook book published. (Upon some googling, I have found that this is the first incarnation of Master Chef for the States, but there have been some in Australia, England yada yada yada).
So anyway, this particular episode has the contestants make an asian dish with mandarin oranges. Everyone makes the same type of thing (mandarin stirfry with rice or noodles) and the judges are all up in their face for making bland, tasteless food.
...I am not really sure where I am going with this, but I guess in the end, I am a cooking show whore, and I would watch anything where there is food involved. I also have a secret love for Gordon Ramsay. Sure, he is a little crass, and sure he swears a lot, but really, it is part gimic. That is what makes it so people will watch Ramsay. If you like the cooking shows, you would likely enjoy this show.
So I decided (unwillingly, as I only have three channels. But who am I kidding, I would watch this even if I had a fleet of channels) to watch this new Gordon Ramsay TV show called Master Chef. Maybe it isn't new for all I know, but it is new to the three channels that I have available to watch. Anyway, back to the ramblings. Essentially, this show is another reality show where some no name, aspiring chef schmucks from all different walks of life are selected to compete to become America's master chef. I believe that the prize is also to have a cook book published. (Upon some googling, I have found that this is the first incarnation of Master Chef for the States, but there have been some in Australia, England yada yada yada).
So anyway, this particular episode has the contestants make an asian dish with mandarin oranges. Everyone makes the same type of thing (mandarin stirfry with rice or noodles) and the judges are all up in their face for making bland, tasteless food.
...I am not really sure where I am going with this, but I guess in the end, I am a cooking show whore, and I would watch anything where there is food involved. I also have a secret love for Gordon Ramsay. Sure, he is a little crass, and sure he swears a lot, but really, it is part gimic. That is what makes it so people will watch Ramsay. If you like the cooking shows, you would likely enjoy this show.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Top 10 Most influential Bands/Artists #7 - Black Sabbath
Number seven in my increasingly lengthy time in between posts top ten list is Black Sabbath.
The original, and perhaps the most influential line-up of Black Sabbath consisted of Toni Iommi in Guitar, Geezer Butler on Bass, Bill Ward on Drums, and Ozzy Osbourne on vocals. Though never entirely mainstream or popular with critics, Black Sabbath were able to garner a large fan base with songs such as Paranoid, War Pigs, Changes, Sweet Leaf, and Iron Man. This line-up of the band lasted until 1979, when Ozzy was fired from the band due to his alcohol abuse. He was subsequently replaced by Ronnie James Dio.
One of the most important aspects of Black Sabbath is their sound; the sound of the down tuned guitar. This sound came to be because Toni Iommi accidentally chopped off the tips of his fingers. Since he still wanted to play guitar, he decided to loosen up the strings a little such that they were easier to press down when playing notes. This became their signature sound.
The other unigue aspect of the band was Ozzy's voice. Of all of the vocalists in Rock n' Roll, there are literaly non that come close to having the sound like Ozzy's banshee wail. That distict voice helped the band succeed, as well as allow Ozzy to flourish as a solo artist.
Finally, one of the most important things about the addition of Ronnie James Dio is that he was the inventor of the horns. You know, the famous horns that are always thrown up during rock concerts. That is Ronnie James Dio's legacy.
So why to Black Sabbath deserve to be on the list? Well, under this most famous line-up, they released eight studio albums between 1970-1978. After the break-up of the original line up, they spawned pretty much two more influential bands - Ozzy branched out on his own and had become one of the best selling solo rock n' roll artists ever, and Ronny James Dio joined the band and gave Black Sabbath a unique sound. Even Dio, the band, sold millions of reconds. They became inductees into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame in 2006. In the end though, what really makes them kings is their pioneering sound. They are considered the fathers of heavy metal. If hard rock artists are asked who started it all, 9 times out of 10, Black Sabbath are accredited as the pioneers. The down tuned guitar sound that Toni Iommi played is signiture now in rock. They show their influence in bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Korn, Judas Priest, Alice in Chains, Anthrax, Disturbed, Opeth, Machinehead, Slipknot, Godsmack, Foo Fighter, and White/Rob Zombie, just to name a few of the countless many. Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne are pretty much house hold names. If they don't deserve to be on everyone's Top 10 list, I really don't know who does.
I leave off with Paranoid:
Black Sabbath,
Top 10
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
D-Link routers suck
Thats right. I have a D-Link DIR-615 wireless N router and it sucks aass. Infact, it could suck a golf ball through a garden hose (Thanks Kubrick) that is how horrible these machines work. I am embarrased for me and anyone else who has the unfortunate problem of owning D-Link.
Yes friends, this router is a horrible investment. I bought this router on boxing day 2008 for $50 as an upgrade from our dying trendnet g-router, thinking that most routers are created equal. No, no, no, like Hulk Hogan waving his finger in the face of an opponent before he hulks up.
(Incedently, this was a great match at a fantastic Wrestlemania - I was there with some friends are there were only a few of us chanting for The Rock)
I thought "Hey, for $50, and for what we use it for, why the hell not. But this router drop signal all the freaking time! I have to go and unplug it to reset in between once a week up to three times a day, depending on how it feels that particular day.
I checked the rating on CNET, and they gave this router a 3 1/2 out of five! I assume that this was given because they only used it for a whole of 5 minutes to catch the range of the router. Sure, it covers everywhere in my house. Sure it was easy to install. Sure it is pretty looking. But in the end, over a short perioud of time, it is quickly noticed that it doesn't do the one thing that it is built to do - allow wireless access to the internet. At least the users on CNET gave it a 2/5, which is still higher than this expensive paperweight is worth. It takes all my restraint some days not to go all office space on it. Don't know what that means? See below:
Long story short, buy a linksys, or a trendnet, or a Belkin, or whatever, just stay away fromt he D-Link.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Slayer and Megadeth and Testament, Oh My!
Last night, at the Halifax Metro Centre of all places, my head nearly exploded during a concert from some heavy weights in the heavy metal department. You know it is a good show when Testament is the opening act to Megadeth, then Slayer closing the show. Even though Megadeth was first, they did play an entire set.
First up was Testament. For those who haven't heard anything by these Oakland, California boys, here is the title track from the album Practice What You Preach
First up was Testament. For those who haven't heard anything by these Oakland, California boys, here is the title track from the album Practice What You Preach
Testament played about a 45 minute set, playing some older tracks with some newer tracks. It was a fantastic set, with lots of pogo-ing and moshing. In fact, during their set, something happened that I have never seen is all the shows that I have been to (and, I have been to many, many shows; a seasoned veteran I am). During the final track, when they played Formation of Damnation (from their newest album) the lead singer, Chuck Billy, got the crowd on the floor to part left and right of centre, leaving about a 5 metre gap. When he said go, he wanted the "left side to kill the right side, and the right side to kill the left side." What resulted was the largest circle pit that I have ever seen (and been part of, since I usually avoid them, I guess my inner five year old came out). In the end, Testament blew the roof off and I would certain go out of my way to see them again.
After about a 25 minute pause for tear down and set up, Megadeth hit the stage. The first 45 minutes of so of the set, Dave Mustaine and the band just continually played, track for track, their fantastic 1990 album, Rust in Peace, from beginning to end. It was fantastic to hear it played, and if you have no idea what I am talking about check out the album. Definitely a thrash masterwork. Here is a track from that album, entitled Polaris:
After the completion of Rust in Peace, Mustaine finally addressed the crowd, by simply saying "Thank you. That was Rust in Peace." Then they continued to play songs from various other albums, like Symphony of Destruction from Countdown to Extinction, and finally ending their set with a wicked rendition of the title track from Peace Sells....But Who's Buying? Mustaine still looks like he is 18 years old, thrashes with the best of them with his Gibson Flying V and his Sideshow Bob mop of hair. Great, great set!
Finally, as if Megadeth wasn't enough, Slayer hits the stage. Slayer's focus with this set was tracks from Seasons in the Abyss, though, they did not play the entire album like Megadeth did with Rust in Peace. They opened with a couple of tracks from their latest album, World Painted Blood, with the title track and Hate Worldwide.
From there, they moved on to War Ensemble, from Seasons in the Abyss, and continued to tear the house down. Near the end of the set, the closed with Raining Blood, From Reign in Blood, followed immediately with show closer South of Heaven. It was amazing to see these four men just play. Their style is so fast and aggressive, it is amazing seeing them do it still, after all these year. Dave Lombardo plays the drum so fast, it is nearly impossible to comprehend. And the show was so loud! I counted 36 Marshall amplifiers behind them. I could feel my clothes pulsating with the beats. It was amazing, though, I would like my hearing back in my right ear.
From there, they moved on to War Ensemble, from Seasons in the Abyss, and continued to tear the house down. Near the end of the set, the closed with Raining Blood, From Reign in Blood, followed immediately with show closer South of Heaven. It was amazing to see these four men just play. Their style is so fast and aggressive, it is amazing seeing them do it still, after all these year. Dave Lombardo plays the drum so fast, it is nearly impossible to comprehend. And the show was so loud! I counted 36 Marshall amplifiers behind them. I could feel my clothes pulsating with the beats. It was amazing, though, I would like my hearing back in my right ear.
Overall, the show was killer. I had a great time and recommend any of these band to anyone, but mostly to people who like their heavy music. I also do recommend, as horrible as it might sound, to wear ear plugs. You can still hear the bands, you just block out some of the residual noise. For me, a person who does like to go to concerts, I would like to keep going and enjoying, with my hearing.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Top 10 Most influential Bands/Artists #8 - Metallica
Yes friends, Metallica is number eight on my list. Metallica is one of my absolutely favourite bands. Their ranking up at number eight might seem a little unjust to some, but when I eventually continue on with my list, the ranking might seem a little more logical.
Metallica. Four fine upstanding citizens of rock royalty. The band started back in 1981 in California when drummer Lars Ulrich posted an advertisement in the paper looking for people with shared interests in music. James Hetfield answered the call, and rock n' roll music was never the same again. Dave Mustaine joined the band in 1982 as their lead guitarist, and help write a few tracks on their debut album, Kill 'em All, but was asked to leave the band in 1983 due to drug and alcohol abuse. He was replaced later that afternoon with Kirk Hammett. Genius bass player Cliff Burton rounded out the four piece band, and that remained their line-up for their first three album. Sadly, in 1986, Burton died in a bus accident, and was later replaced with Jason Newsted. Newsted remained the bass player for Metallica until 2001, when he left the band. Finally, in 2003, former Suicidal Tendencies bass player was chosen for the coveted spot, and the band has remained in this line up eve since.
So why in the hell do Metallica deserve to be on the list? Well, how could they not be? They are a pioneering thrash metal band. They have sold more albums that any other heavy metal band; around 100 million worldwide, and have received nine grammy's. They have influenced countless hard rock and heavy metal bands from Korn, Godsmack, Slipknot, Slayer, Machinehead, Avenged Sevenfold, and Mastodon, just to name a few off. They were inducted into the Rock n' Roll hall of fame their first year of eligibility. Every album they released makes you excited about the band. Even their "lesser" albums are still far better than the best albums that some bands produce. They sell out every venue, and sometime multiple times. They truly are rock royalty and will continue to be long after they decide to retire (which I hope is a long time from now).
I finish this post with their first music video, One:
Metallica. Four fine upstanding citizens of rock royalty. The band started back in 1981 in California when drummer Lars Ulrich posted an advertisement in the paper looking for people with shared interests in music. James Hetfield answered the call, and rock n' roll music was never the same again. Dave Mustaine joined the band in 1982 as their lead guitarist, and help write a few tracks on their debut album, Kill 'em All, but was asked to leave the band in 1983 due to drug and alcohol abuse. He was replaced later that afternoon with Kirk Hammett. Genius bass player Cliff Burton rounded out the four piece band, and that remained their line-up for their first three album. Sadly, in 1986, Burton died in a bus accident, and was later replaced with Jason Newsted. Newsted remained the bass player for Metallica until 2001, when he left the band. Finally, in 2003, former Suicidal Tendencies bass player was chosen for the coveted spot, and the band has remained in this line up eve since.
So why in the hell do Metallica deserve to be on the list? Well, how could they not be? They are a pioneering thrash metal band. They have sold more albums that any other heavy metal band; around 100 million worldwide, and have received nine grammy's. They have influenced countless hard rock and heavy metal bands from Korn, Godsmack, Slipknot, Slayer, Machinehead, Avenged Sevenfold, and Mastodon, just to name a few off. They were inducted into the Rock n' Roll hall of fame their first year of eligibility. Every album they released makes you excited about the band. Even their "lesser" albums are still far better than the best albums that some bands produce. They sell out every venue, and sometime multiple times. They truly are rock royalty and will continue to be long after they decide to retire (which I hope is a long time from now).
I finish this post with their first music video, One:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Top 10 Most influential Bands/Artists #9 - Bob Dylan
Yes, that is right, number nine. I said it. I did not already have a number nine previously, this is the first time I have mentioned a number 9. (Well, I did have a brain fart and put Rush at number nine, but then, after careful consideration and much listening, I have decided that they will be pushed up to a top five placing, to be shared with someone else then, because I don't have enough room).
(I couldn't get the actual intro to embed, but here is the song at least).
My real choice for number nine will be Bob Dylan. Here is an artist that also, like Rush, can have a real love/hate relationship. Some will read and think I have gone absolutely bonkers only placing Dylan at nine, and others will think "what the hell is he doing there?" Well, love him or hate him, Dylan definitely deserves to be on any crackpot's top ten list.
Robert Zimmerman, AKA Bob Dylan began his musical career as a folk artist, and for the most part, stayed that way through his never ending career. His first album was released nearly 50 years ago in 1962. Most of his early recordings were acoustic, and it wasn't until 1965, when he released his fifth album, Bring it all Back Home, that Dylan surprised everyone and released an electric album. Later that year, Dylan released Highway 61 Revisited, which featured the track Like a Rolling Stone, which is credited in Rolling Stone Magazine to be the number one written song of all time. (Though, I feel that Times, They are a Changing to be his greatest song that is truly timeless).
So why does Bob Dylan deserve to be here? Well, it could start with the 34 studio albums, 58 singles, 13 live albums and 14 compilations that he has under his belt. It could also be that nearly every singer/songwriter wishes to have just a fraction of the success that Dylan has. Hell, even his backing electric band for a few years "The Band," made it huge. Countless people have covered his songs like Knockin' on Heaven's Door (G n' R), Maggie's Farm (Rage Against the Machine), If Not for You (George Harrison), Master's of War (Pearl Jam). And in many cases, made them better - Jimi Hendrix's version of All along the Watchtower. Bob Dylan has impacted and help shape modern music for generations to come. He is a political activist, protester, poet, writer - there is nothing he really hasn't done in popular music. He came from a time where you actually needed talent to perform (and yes, I know he isn't the world's greatest singer).
(I couldn't get the actual intro to embed, but here is the song at least).
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Eminem Recovery CD Review
The new Eminem album, Recovery, came out on June 21, and after my initial listening to it, I am truly impressed with it.
Recovery is Eminem's seventh studio album, and quite possibly his best and most personal album since The Marshall Mathers LP. Talkin' to Myself, the second track on the album, talks about Em's disappointment with his previous album, shows that he is still grieving over the loss of his best friend, Proof, and continues his love/hate relationship with Kim. Going through changes samples "Changes" by Black Sabbath and again you can really hear the emotion and issues that Marshall had to deal with over the past few years. You can hear in the songs that Eminem has matured in his song writing ability since his earliest outings. Gone now are the songs that make you laugh (though, there are still some verses peppered throughout the album that still show the juvenile Eminem), but really, they aren't really missed. Just listen to Not Afraid below to get a feel for the emotion that is in the album.
Considering that this album and last year's Relapse were written after Em decided to give up the life of drugs and alcohol and were written sober really shows off his mastery at rhyming. He knows how to convey his feeling and emotions through his words like very few hip hop artist ever have been able too. He definitely belongs in the upper echelons of rap with the likes of 2pac, Notorious B.I.G., Run DMC and Public Enemy.
Now, I am not really a fan of rap and hip hop, but I do seem to like Eminem. I think it is because he really tells stories in his lyrics, and because his beats are produced by Dr. Dre, who is one of the best hip hop producers ever.
Key Tracks: Talkin' to Myself, Changes, Not Afraid, 25 to Life. Highly recommended to anyone who typically enjoys hip hop or doesn't enjoy hip hop. 4.5/5
PS Sorry to Tom for the list interruption, but I had to talk about this. Number 8 coming soon
Recovery is Eminem's seventh studio album, and quite possibly his best and most personal album since The Marshall Mathers LP. Talkin' to Myself, the second track on the album, talks about Em's disappointment with his previous album, shows that he is still grieving over the loss of his best friend, Proof, and continues his love/hate relationship with Kim. Going through changes samples "Changes" by Black Sabbath and again you can really hear the emotion and issues that Marshall had to deal with over the past few years. You can hear in the songs that Eminem has matured in his song writing ability since his earliest outings. Gone now are the songs that make you laugh (though, there are still some verses peppered throughout the album that still show the juvenile Eminem), but really, they aren't really missed. Just listen to Not Afraid below to get a feel for the emotion that is in the album.
Considering that this album and last year's Relapse were written after Em decided to give up the life of drugs and alcohol and were written sober really shows off his mastery at rhyming. He knows how to convey his feeling and emotions through his words like very few hip hop artist ever have been able too. He definitely belongs in the upper echelons of rap with the likes of 2pac, Notorious B.I.G., Run DMC and Public Enemy.
Now, I am not really a fan of rap and hip hop, but I do seem to like Eminem. I think it is because he really tells stories in his lyrics, and because his beats are produced by Dr. Dre, who is one of the best hip hop producers ever.
Key Tracks: Talkin' to Myself, Changes, Not Afraid, 25 to Life. Highly recommended to anyone who typically enjoys hip hop or doesn't enjoy hip hop. 4.5/5
PS Sorry to Tom for the list interruption, but I had to talk about this. Number 8 coming soon
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Top 10 Most Influential Bands #4ish - Rush
Rush began over 40 years ago, in 1968, in Willowdale, ON, when Alex Lifeson and a couple of school friends started the band. It was a few weeks after the formation that the original bassist left, and Geddy Lee joined and became the lead vocalist and bass player. Their first album, entitled simply Rush was released in 1974 with original drummer John Rutsey, didn't preform so well commercially until the track Working Man started to get some airplay down in Cleveland. Rutsey left after the first album and was subsequently replaced by Neil Peart. Since then, they have released 18 studio albums and sold over 40 million albums world wide. Songs like Tom Sawyer, Closer to the Heart, Fly by Night, Show don't Tell, Spirit of the Radio, Freewill and Subdivisions, to name just a few, gave them success on the radio.
So, why do I think that Rush deserves to be on the list? Well, for starters, a band that has sold so many records, sells out all of their tours, has a rabid fan base while still aren't considered as mainstream as their other classic rock counterparts should be deserving of something. Rush have been cited to influence bands such as Dream Theater, Metallica, Smashing Pumpkins and countless others. In addition, for a band who has such a rich and deep sound, they never have utilized touring instrumentalists, always playing all parts themselves. They are world class artist and performers. Rush showed that a band can be worldly successful, while still keeping true to themselves, and never selling out. The only real injustice that has happened to Rush is that they haven't been inducted into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame.
I end this post with likely their most famous track, Tom Sawyer from Moving Pictures.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
IMO The Top 10 Most Influential Bands/Artists #10
I started thinking the other night in bed about all the bands that I like (and there are a lot) and then I started thinking that I should do a, what I think, are the most influential bands and artist. It is a tough thing to narrow down all the great bands that have come and gone. It is also especially tough when my interest is mostly in Rock n Roll. People like Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson are certainly influential in their own right, given the title of Kings among pretty much everyone, but they aren't the type of artist that made my list, because well, it is my list and I can be just a little biased. So to start, here is number 10. Drum roll please
#10 Nirvana
#10 Nirvana
Ah Nirvana. Those clean cut kids from Seattle. Pioneers of the grunge music scene of the late 80's and early 90's. Nirvana was really that band that took this style of music to the main stream. Formed in 1987 by Kurt Cobain and Krist Novoselic released their first album Bleach in 1989 and enjoyed some moderate success in the underground music scene. It wasn't until 1991, after Dave Grohl joined the band and they released Nevermind that the band exploded on the main stream. With the singles Smells like Teen Spirit, In Bloom, Come as You Are, Breed, Lithium, the band became one of the biggest bands in the world nearly overnight, and had a large legion on fans.
Their follow-up album, and subsequent final studio album In Utero in 1993, also shared exception radio play Nevermind. Singles such as Heart Shaped Box, Dumb, and All Apologies lead the way for high record sales. But sadly, the dream faded away almost as quickly as it started. On April 8th, 1994, Kurt Cobain took his life.
I believe that Nirvana belongs on this list because of how they were able to bring this music to the main stream, whether they wanted to achieve that or not. No other band can or will be able to duplicate how Nirvana took a sound and made it sound great. I love other bands in that era. Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, STP, Pearl Jam just to name a few, are still exceptional bands. Their music is as good or better than Nirvana's, but if it wasn't for that catchy riff at the beginning of Smells like Teen Spirit, I don't know if the recond studios would have given them a chance.
I leave this post with the song that really started a movement.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Television's Downfall Review
The other day, Tuesday I think, was the series premiere of the new evening game show Downfall. Hosted by wrestling superstar (and, as far as I am concerned legend) Chris Jericho, the premise is that the contestants must answer a series of trivia questions in an allotted time to ensure that they win the cash and prizes. Seems like a typical concept, right? Well, the difference that this show tries to have is that it takes place on top of a building, and the prizes and cash are on a conveyor belt that will drop the goods over the edge if the contestant doesn't answer in time. Here is a trailer of the show:
After watching an hour of this show, I came to a few conclusions. 1. There is really no originality in shows anymore. This show is really no different from Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, The Weakest Link, Dog Eat Dog, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, or Deal or No Deal. 2. Can't people do things to win prizes other than answering pointless trivia? 3. Holy Crap! Does America live in that much excess that it needs to develop a show where prizes (fake or not) need to be dropped of a building and destroyed, just for shear pleasure? I don't care if the cash is fake, or the cars aren't really the actual car, there is a lot of money that is pumped into these fake prizes just to destroy them. It is really disgusting.
Now, why did I want to watch this show in the first place? Well, to tell you the truth, I got really excited for this show one I found out that Chris Jericho was the host. I am a big Jericho fan. I loved him when he said things like "Welcome to Monday Night Jericho." I loved him when he became J2J, the "Ayatollah of Rock n' Rolla" when "Raw was Jericho." The man is/was great on the mic, he knew how to get a crowd going, and he had great comedic timing (which is a rare thing, you can imagine, in the wrestling business. Below is a clip of Jericho with the Rock (another legend):
Find it funny or not (I certainly do) this stuff was entertaining, in the height of the WWE Attitude area. And now there is Chris Jericho, leaving his wrestling roots and branching out into another type of "reality" TV. I kind of feel embarrassed for him for choosing such a ludicrous show to host. Downfall was horrible. I can't imagine that this show will be picked up for another season. But hey, I could be wrong and it could suddenly become a big hit. It wouldn't be the first time that a show that makes absolutely no sense to become popular (The Bachelor(ette), Hole in the Wall...)
After watching an hour of this show, I came to a few conclusions. 1. There is really no originality in shows anymore. This show is really no different from Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, The Weakest Link, Dog Eat Dog, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader, or Deal or No Deal. 2. Can't people do things to win prizes other than answering pointless trivia? 3. Holy Crap! Does America live in that much excess that it needs to develop a show where prizes (fake or not) need to be dropped of a building and destroyed, just for shear pleasure? I don't care if the cash is fake, or the cars aren't really the actual car, there is a lot of money that is pumped into these fake prizes just to destroy them. It is really disgusting.
Now, why did I want to watch this show in the first place? Well, to tell you the truth, I got really excited for this show one I found out that Chris Jericho was the host. I am a big Jericho fan. I loved him when he said things like "Welcome to Monday Night Jericho." I loved him when he became J2J, the "Ayatollah of Rock n' Rolla" when "Raw was Jericho." The man is/was great on the mic, he knew how to get a crowd going, and he had great comedic timing (which is a rare thing, you can imagine, in the wrestling business. Below is a clip of Jericho with the Rock (another legend):
Find it funny or not (I certainly do) this stuff was entertaining, in the height of the WWE Attitude area. And now there is Chris Jericho, leaving his wrestling roots and branching out into another type of "reality" TV. I kind of feel embarrassed for him for choosing such a ludicrous show to host. Downfall was horrible. I can't imagine that this show will be picked up for another season. But hey, I could be wrong and it could suddenly become a big hit. It wouldn't be the first time that a show that makes absolutely no sense to become popular (The Bachelor(ette), Hole in the Wall...)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Gulf Oil Spill
Every night on the news, it is the same old same old, with the first thing that is talked about is the gulf oil spill. How there are 1.5 - 2.5 million gallons of oil pouring into the ocean each day. How every attempt that BP is doing to cap the disaster is flunking. How there will at least be another month and a half that the oil will be gushing into the ocean.
Images like this
and this
haunt our dreams and disgust us on a daily basis. And rightfully so. It is disgusting to see Earth destroyed like this, and it is disgusting to know how incomprehensible the environmental impact of this oil leak will be on future generations. Fact is, we all know that BP puts on a face for the environment and the people, but behind that facade, all the executives are caring about is the bottom dollar. They think: "How much is this going to cost?" They worry: "What about the shareholders?" They wonder: "How long until people forget this?" To answers: It's going to cost a shit load, the shareholder are indeed selling, and we will not forget about it.
And I for one am not one to point fingers at BP for this mess. What happened to the oil rig was an accident, just as much as if a train de-rails, a plane crashes, a tractor-trailer jack-knifes. They are accidents. When you are working with something as volatile as crude oil, these things happen. We hate it, but it is a way of life. Nothing is ever perfect.
But "civilization" is to blame just as much, or more so than BP. If it was not for our need of excess, maybe this disaster could have been adverted. Sure, images above are disgusting, but what about the images below.
Images like this
and this
haunt our dreams and disgust us on a daily basis. And rightfully so. It is disgusting to see Earth destroyed like this, and it is disgusting to know how incomprehensible the environmental impact of this oil leak will be on future generations. Fact is, we all know that BP puts on a face for the environment and the people, but behind that facade, all the executives are caring about is the bottom dollar. They think: "How much is this going to cost?" They worry: "What about the shareholders?" They wonder: "How long until people forget this?" To answers: It's going to cost a shit load, the shareholder are indeed selling, and we will not forget about it.
And I for one am not one to point fingers at BP for this mess. What happened to the oil rig was an accident, just as much as if a train de-rails, a plane crashes, a tractor-trailer jack-knifes. They are accidents. When you are working with something as volatile as crude oil, these things happen. We hate it, but it is a way of life. Nothing is ever perfect.
But "civilization" is to blame just as much, or more so than BP. If it was not for our need of excess, maybe this disaster could have been adverted. Sure, images above are disgusting, but what about the images below.

Sure, most people know that plastic bottles are derived from oil, but what is that second fabric picture doing there? Well friends, that is polyester, which is also a synthetic derived from crude. In fact, any material/fabric that you can think of that has a "poly" in it is most likely derived from crude oil. And what about the carpet under your feet (provided there is carpet) it is likely made from nylon which, guess what, is oil based. Toys, games, movies, TVs, radios, CDs, laminate flooring, medicines and roadways are just some of the oil based products that we use everyday that do not get a second thought about where they come from.
It is funny, when everything is fine and dandy, and the oil is mined and flowing just normally, no one says a word, and the people who do are considered extremists, hippies, tree huggers, whatever. But as soon as there is a major disaster, caused by our insatiable need for excess and products, everyone jumps onboard of the "Save the Planet" train because it starts to effect us in a manner that we can actually visualize. The real villains here with this disaster, I hate to say it, are us. It will be a scary time when the wells really do start to run dry.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Honor Killings
This doesn't really flow with the rest of the posting that I have done, but I am so infuriated about what I witnessed and heard yesterday on the news, that I just need to vent it out. It is dealing with Honor Killings.
The National Post reported this morning that Aqsa Parvez was murdered by her Father and Brother because she rejected the religious and cultural traditions of their native Pakistan. At least justice was partly served in that both Brother and Father were sentenced to life with chance of parole in 18 years. The irony is that now these two men have brought shame to the family for being arrested and convicted (though, not for the killing).
There was another case in Ontario last year about a father and mother and son who killed four women by pushing their car into the Rideau Canal. Again, all were charged with murder. The National posts says that the UN estimates that nearly 5000 women are being killed world wide in the name of family honor.
The news last night actually showed some video footage of a woman being beaten by a group of men (in a country I cannot recall) because of the person that she wanted to date.
Sadly, if these killing occurred in their native land, they would not have even got a slap on the wrist for such and atrocity.
I am not saying that any religion is perfect, and in fact, religion as a whole can likely be attributed to more killings and deaths in the name of a so called "God" than any other reasoning. Every war, a so called God is on the side of the combatants, be it from the crusades or WWI and WWII. But the idea that a family in certain parts of the world can kill family members (mostly women) in the name of honor is is just down right f**ked up.
To imagine that this is actually going on in other parts of the world and is accepted, it is disgusting. How can a person, no matter what the fraking Quran/bible says, kill a person because they are behaving not in the way that they "should?" So, if my children grows up and decide to be do something that I do not agree with, I could kill them? How in the hell does that even cross a parents mind? My kid(s) can do just about anything and I know that I will love them and try to protect and respect and honor their choices for as long as I am around.
National Post - Honour Killings
The National Post reported this morning that Aqsa Parvez was murdered by her Father and Brother because she rejected the religious and cultural traditions of their native Pakistan. At least justice was partly served in that both Brother and Father were sentenced to life with chance of parole in 18 years. The irony is that now these two men have brought shame to the family for being arrested and convicted (though, not for the killing).
There was another case in Ontario last year about a father and mother and son who killed four women by pushing their car into the Rideau Canal. Again, all were charged with murder. The National posts says that the UN estimates that nearly 5000 women are being killed world wide in the name of family honor.
The news last night actually showed some video footage of a woman being beaten by a group of men (in a country I cannot recall) because of the person that she wanted to date.
Sadly, if these killing occurred in their native land, they would not have even got a slap on the wrist for such and atrocity.
I am not saying that any religion is perfect, and in fact, religion as a whole can likely be attributed to more killings and deaths in the name of a so called "God" than any other reasoning. Every war, a so called God is on the side of the combatants, be it from the crusades or WWI and WWII. But the idea that a family in certain parts of the world can kill family members (mostly women) in the name of honor is is just down right f**ked up.
To imagine that this is actually going on in other parts of the world and is accepted, it is disgusting. How can a person, no matter what the fraking Quran/bible says, kill a person because they are behaving not in the way that they "should?" So, if my children grows up and decide to be do something that I do not agree with, I could kill them? How in the hell does that even cross a parents mind? My kid(s) can do just about anything and I know that I will love them and try to protect and respect and honor their choices for as long as I am around.
National Post - Honour Killings
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sweet Tooth
The first collected edition of Sweet Tooth by Jeff Lemire (The Essex County Trilogy) came out a couple of weeks ago (May 2010), featuring the first story arc "Out of the woods." This trade paperback collects issues 1-6.
Sweet Tooth revolves around protagonist Gus, a half breed boy with antlers, and his friend Jeppard, who helps Sweet Tooth. The world of Sweet Tooth occurs in a post-apocalyptic world where many of the inhabitants of Earth have been killed due to an unknown virus. The only children that have been born after the apocalypse are these half-breeds (I don't know if I am the only one that wonders how in the hell a mother can give birth to a child with antlers, but that is another discussion). In this world, the half-breeds have become a commodity, being sold for experiments. Gus meets up with Jeppard, who promises to protect him and take him to a sanctuary called "The Preserve" that is for these half-breed children.
The story telling, I find, is engulfing. Once you pick up an issue and start reading it, all you want in the next month to come my to pick up the next issue. Lemire's art is so original. No one in the business draws like him. It is raw and edgy, but really beautiful at the same time. The comic is on issue 10 as of June. This collection allows a great jumping in opportunity for readers.
I definitely give this collection a 5/5.
Sweet Tooth revolves around protagonist Gus, a half breed boy with antlers, and his friend Jeppard, who helps Sweet Tooth. The world of Sweet Tooth occurs in a post-apocalyptic world where many of the inhabitants of Earth have been killed due to an unknown virus. The only children that have been born after the apocalypse are these half-breeds (I don't know if I am the only one that wonders how in the hell a mother can give birth to a child with antlers, but that is another discussion). In this world, the half-breeds have become a commodity, being sold for experiments. Gus meets up with Jeppard, who promises to protect him and take him to a sanctuary called "The Preserve" that is for these half-breed children.
The story telling, I find, is engulfing. Once you pick up an issue and start reading it, all you want in the next month to come my to pick up the next issue. Lemire's art is so original. No one in the business draws like him. It is raw and edgy, but really beautiful at the same time. The comic is on issue 10 as of June. This collection allows a great jumping in opportunity for readers.
I definitely give this collection a 5/5.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Dancing with the "Stars"
I got to thinking the other day about Dancing with the Stars. Who decided that these people that are involved in this show are stars? I mean really, when did Kate Gosselin become a star? She has a reality show that takes away the innocence of her children, a reality show that likely became the reason for her split with John (who is a mega-douche I might add).
Another "star" who has appeared on the show is Steve-O, from Jackass fame. Steve-O? Really? This guy who became famous for stapling his ballsack to the side of his legs. I know who Steve-O is yes, but did my parents, who actually watch the show know who he is? When my mom asks who he is, I have to say that he was an ex dealer who did stupid stuff, tattooed a picture of himself on his back and then cleaned up. Sorry they asked.
In fact, the only person that I think that should be considered a "star" that has ever been on that show is Steve Wozniak. This man is the other Steve that formed apple computers. He is one of the reasons that computers in general are what they are today. He is down to Earth and super cool and nerds everywhere love him. Most people know, or should know who he is.
Another "star" who has appeared on the show is Steve-O, from Jackass fame. Steve-O? Really? This guy who became famous for stapling his ballsack to the side of his legs. I know who Steve-O is yes, but did my parents, who actually watch the show know who he is? When my mom asks who he is, I have to say that he was an ex dealer who did stupid stuff, tattooed a picture of himself on his back and then cleaned up. Sorry they asked.
In fact, the only person that I think that should be considered a "star" that has ever been on that show is Steve Wozniak. This man is the other Steve that formed apple computers. He is one of the reasons that computers in general are what they are today. He is down to Earth and super cool and nerds everywhere love him. Most people know, or should know who he is.
I'm just saying, a show titled "Dancing with the Stars" should at lest include some star in the roster, not B-grade actors, Olymipians, and second grade singers. I think that the show is misleading. "Dancing with people you may have heard" of seems a more appropriate title. Until I hear of names like Johnny Depp of Kathy Bates on the show, I just can't take is seriously. Oh, and I also think that professional dancers should not be allowed to participate, because they already have an edge on the other competition, and in the end usually win.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Shutter Island Review
I watched Shutter Island last night with Sylvia and a friend Sarah. We owed Sarah dinner and a movie for helping us paint the play room. Anyway, Shutter Island is the latest Martin Scorsese thriller which stars (big shock) Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, and Ben Kingsley. Below is the official trailer of the movie.
The movie begins with DiCaprio and Ruffalo's characters heading toward Shutter Island, which is a mental institution for the criminally insane. Taking place in the 1950s in the Boston area, the main character are US Marshalls sent to Shutter Island in search for a missing inmate who is considered especially dangerous. The institution is ran by Ben Kingsley, who is the head psychiatrist on the Island. As the movie progresses, we find the DiCaprio's character wanted to be assigned to this case because he feels that there are parallels between what is happening on the Island and what happened in Nazi concentration camps.
Shutter Island plays out like a great mystery/thriller. There are twists and turns a-plenty throughout the movie that literally keeps the viewer guessing until the very end, which is always the sign of a great thriller. I like to think that a movie is good if the people watching it can talk about it after the movie is complete, and this definitely got us talking. It is a thinking persons movie.
The movie itself looked fantastic. The background imaging looked beautiful, with deep darks and a nice colouring schemes to keep the mood of the movie. The movie also sounded great, which added well to the suspense.
I always like to rate a movie by whether I will add it to my collection or not, and this movie I will definitely be adding to my collection. Highly recommended!
The movie begins with DiCaprio and Ruffalo's characters heading toward Shutter Island, which is a mental institution for the criminally insane. Taking place in the 1950s in the Boston area, the main character are US Marshalls sent to Shutter Island in search for a missing inmate who is considered especially dangerous. The institution is ran by Ben Kingsley, who is the head psychiatrist on the Island. As the movie progresses, we find the DiCaprio's character wanted to be assigned to this case because he feels that there are parallels between what is happening on the Island and what happened in Nazi concentration camps.
Shutter Island plays out like a great mystery/thriller. There are twists and turns a-plenty throughout the movie that literally keeps the viewer guessing until the very end, which is always the sign of a great thriller. I like to think that a movie is good if the people watching it can talk about it after the movie is complete, and this definitely got us talking. It is a thinking persons movie.
The movie itself looked fantastic. The background imaging looked beautiful, with deep darks and a nice colouring schemes to keep the mood of the movie. The movie also sounded great, which added well to the suspense.
I always like to rate a movie by whether I will add it to my collection or not, and this movie I will definitely be adding to my collection. Highly recommended!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Hobbit
So news broke the other day that Guillermo Del Toro quit as being the director of the new Hobbit movies. I don't blame him, because they kept getting put off and postponed due to financial troubles at MGM. As far as I remember, the first installment of the Hobbit was originally supposed to be released Christmas of this year. My question is how is it possible that a renowned Hollywood studio such as MGM be in such financial trouble? MGM owns one of the most lucrative franchises in movies: The James Bond franchise.

MGM, or Metro Goldwyn Mayer started in 1924, and through the 30s and 40s remained as one of the top franchises, with movies such as the Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind as some of their intellectual property (they have since been acquired by Time Warner and Warner Bros.) Sometime in the 60s the financial troubles began for MGM, and it went though a series of owners and CEOs up until present day, where the studio is still under bankruptcy protection and the future of the studio will be determined if there is a owner willing to pay enough to the creditors to purchase it.
With Del Toro leaving the movies, this is a large hit towards the making of these movies, with only Peter Jackson et al still of board to produce. Word came yesterday that Jackson hasn't ruled out completely to direct the movies. In fact, fan wise, I think, would only really accept Jackson as the director in leu of Del Toro.
So, in response to my initial question, I suppose due to a series of sells and mismanagement, MGM is in major financial trouble. Does it make sense that it should be with such a storied history? No, I don't think so. I can't even begin to imagine how many movies I have seen that has the Roaring Lion at the start of the movie.

MGM, or Metro Goldwyn Mayer started in 1924, and through the 30s and 40s remained as one of the top franchises, with movies such as the Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind as some of their intellectual property (they have since been acquired by Time Warner and Warner Bros.) Sometime in the 60s the financial troubles began for MGM, and it went though a series of owners and CEOs up until present day, where the studio is still under bankruptcy protection and the future of the studio will be determined if there is a owner willing to pay enough to the creditors to purchase it.
With Del Toro leaving the movies, this is a large hit towards the making of these movies, with only Peter Jackson et al still of board to produce. Word came yesterday that Jackson hasn't ruled out completely to direct the movies. In fact, fan wise, I think, would only really accept Jackson as the director in leu of Del Toro.
So, in response to my initial question, I suppose due to a series of sells and mismanagement, MGM is in major financial trouble. Does it make sense that it should be with such a storied history? No, I don't think so. I can't even begin to imagine how many movies I have seen that has the Roaring Lion at the start of the movie.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Wolfman Review
So I just got done watching the remake of the Wolfman. This 2010 remake stars Benecio Del Toro, Sir Anthony Hopkins, and Hugo Weaving. Below is the official trailer for the movie. (If the video is cut off, right click and say "show all")
Upon watching the trailer, I was fairly excited to see this take on a classic horror character. After a little under an hour into the movie, my excitement really started to dwindle, and I still had around an hour left to sit through in hopes that it will pick up. The make up on the wolfman just was not as great as I would have liked it to be and the story seemed recycled. I mean, the visuals of the werewolves in An American Werewolf in London were much better, and that movie is at least 25 years old. It didn't seem like there was anything original added to this movie.
Now, I am no animal trainer or expert or anything. Hell, I can barely get my own dog to stop barking at a cool breeze in the air, but I am pretty sure that predatory animals kill out of necessity, or for food, or whatever. For some reason, when Del Toro (or the original wolfman) turns into the wolfman (to me, meaning part wolf) there is an abundance of killing for no other reason than because a person is there. He doesn't even feed off of the people that are killed.
At the 29 minute mark, where there is the final confrontation between the protagonist and antagonist, the special effects looked sloppy, almost laughable. The actors or puppets or whatever the hell they were, were being tossed around almost like it was a comedy. There was even a fire that was lit that started to completely consume the 19th century, brick mansion in no time at all. I know some basic chemistry and physics to know that brick doesn't catch fire, but here we were, with a brick mansion completely engulfed in fire.
I guess I have to add some positives. The picture quality was fantastic. I especially like period pieces, where the costumes and buildings look authentic. The sound for this movie was fantastic and just lit up my speakers. It was aurally pleasing.
It is sad when there is a movie that I was really jonzing to see, and it turns out to be a let down, especially when it stars some big names, but I guess a bad movie happens to even the best (I am looking at you SIR Ben Kingley in Bloodrayne. I will never forget that. Never!)
I usually rate movies by whether I would purchase the movie to add to my collection or not, and I rate this as a "not to add" to my collection.
Upon watching the trailer, I was fairly excited to see this take on a classic horror character. After a little under an hour into the movie, my excitement really started to dwindle, and I still had around an hour left to sit through in hopes that it will pick up. The make up on the wolfman just was not as great as I would have liked it to be and the story seemed recycled. I mean, the visuals of the werewolves in An American Werewolf in London were much better, and that movie is at least 25 years old. It didn't seem like there was anything original added to this movie.
Now, I am no animal trainer or expert or anything. Hell, I can barely get my own dog to stop barking at a cool breeze in the air, but I am pretty sure that predatory animals kill out of necessity, or for food, or whatever. For some reason, when Del Toro (or the original wolfman) turns into the wolfman (to me, meaning part wolf) there is an abundance of killing for no other reason than because a person is there. He doesn't even feed off of the people that are killed.
At the 29 minute mark, where there is the final confrontation between the protagonist and antagonist, the special effects looked sloppy, almost laughable. The actors or puppets or whatever the hell they were, were being tossed around almost like it was a comedy. There was even a fire that was lit that started to completely consume the 19th century, brick mansion in no time at all. I know some basic chemistry and physics to know that brick doesn't catch fire, but here we were, with a brick mansion completely engulfed in fire.
I guess I have to add some positives. The picture quality was fantastic. I especially like period pieces, where the costumes and buildings look authentic. The sound for this movie was fantastic and just lit up my speakers. It was aurally pleasing.
It is sad when there is a movie that I was really jonzing to see, and it turns out to be a let down, especially when it stars some big names, but I guess a bad movie happens to even the best (I am looking at you SIR Ben Kingley in Bloodrayne. I will never forget that. Never!)
I usually rate movies by whether I would purchase the movie to add to my collection or not, and I rate this as a "not to add" to my collection.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Old Man Back
This is a special installment of Rants, and I am angry, angry at genetic make-up. You see, I have bad back genetic make-up. I feel like I have a back like a 90 year old man, assuming that 90 year old men are sore in the backs all the time. In all honesty though, I am not sure that I can blame genetics more than stupidity of a 15 year old young male.
The year was 1994, and I was taking the bus back from ye olde comic emporium. I believe the name of the old stomping ground was Another World Comics and Sports Cards, which sadly is non existent now. If I recall, that was the year that DC was putting out the Zero Hour cross over. I am sure I had one of those, as well as a Superman and Batman comic. Some things just don't change. Anyway, I was getting off the bus, across from a Taco Bell with a friend, Steve, and thought it would be a good idea to try to beat the light and try to cross the busy street on a red. All was fine, but we forgot about the stupid advance green, and I got smucked by a mini van.
I know, the usual question pops into a person's mind, such as "Did you not look before you crossed the street?" or "Could the driver not stop?" The answers are: I looked and no, she could not stop. I was weaving in the traffic to cross the street, and she was racing to make the light. It was just bad luck for both of us (me a little more).
When she hit me, she obviously stopped the van immediately, but in doing so, parked on my ankle, which was snapped. I have to throw out here that I was wearing a pair of Dr. Martens, which likely, with their thick soles, saved my food from being crushed. I have always owned a pair or two since then.
Anyway, after the hit, my left knee and back have never really been correct, and that is likely the source of all my ills.
So let this be a lesson, don't cross the road unless at a side walk and always wear your Docs out.
The year was 1994, and I was taking the bus back from ye olde comic emporium. I believe the name of the old stomping ground was Another World Comics and Sports Cards, which sadly is non existent now. If I recall, that was the year that DC was putting out the Zero Hour cross over. I am sure I had one of those, as well as a Superman and Batman comic. Some things just don't change. Anyway, I was getting off the bus, across from a Taco Bell with a friend, Steve, and thought it would be a good idea to try to beat the light and try to cross the busy street on a red. All was fine, but we forgot about the stupid advance green, and I got smucked by a mini van.
I know, the usual question pops into a person's mind, such as "Did you not look before you crossed the street?" or "Could the driver not stop?" The answers are: I looked and no, she could not stop. I was weaving in the traffic to cross the street, and she was racing to make the light. It was just bad luck for both of us (me a little more).
When she hit me, she obviously stopped the van immediately, but in doing so, parked on my ankle, which was snapped. I have to throw out here that I was wearing a pair of Dr. Martens, which likely, with their thick soles, saved my food from being crushed. I have always owned a pair or two since then.
Anyway, after the hit, my left knee and back have never really been correct, and that is likely the source of all my ills.
So let this be a lesson, don't cross the road unless at a side walk and always wear your Docs out.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Deftones Diamond Eyes
I figured that since the idea of the blog was random rants and reviews, I should actually put my two cents towards a real review. So today, I am going to talk about the new Deftones album that dropped a couple of weeks ago called Diamond Eyes.

A little history first. Deftones are a hybrid metal, rap-rock, experimental band from California that formed back in 1988. There musical style is unlike that any other type of band that is around, in my opinion. They broke on the scene with their debut album, Adrenaline, but really came into the mainstream with their third album, White Pony. Since their debut, Deftones have released six studio albums, with a seventh of B-sides and rarities. The most recent album saw the (hopefully temporary) replacement of founding bass player Chi Cheng, who was severely injured in an automobile accident which damaged his brain, with new bass player Sergio Vega.
The album starts off with the title track Diamond Eyes and never lets up. Chino's lyrics and vocals show a lot of emotion for their fallen comrade. Fans of Deftones previous work will easily relate this album to the White Pony, found by some to be their best disc. For new listeners, I would recommend this album, but also recommend going back and listening to their earlier recordings, to get a better feel for what kind of music this band produces.
Key tracks are definitely Diamond Eyes, You've Seen the Butcher, and Rocket Skates, but the whole album is worth a listen through more than once. I rate this a 4/5.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Tuesday Rant
You know what really burns my ass? Many big production American made movies (and TV shows to some part). Don't get me wrong, I love them, I own lots of them, but many don't require the viewer to think. It is insulting to the intelligence of the viewer to always need to be spoon fed everything to make sure that we get it. In addition, there are many Hollywood movies that are fantastic: Tarantino flicks, Wes Anderson movies...
A great example of a foreign movie that didn't spoon feed the audience was The Lives of Others, which takes place in USSR controlled East Germany. This movie played off the paranoia of people being wire tapped and conspiring with the West Germans. By the time the end of the movie occurred, we, the audience, were left to make up our own mind as to "what happened next," and not told that everything was going to be OK.
A great example of a foreign movie that didn't spoon feed the audience was The Lives of Others, which takes place in USSR controlled East Germany. This movie played off the paranoia of people being wire tapped and conspiring with the West Germans. By the time the end of the movie occurred, we, the audience, were left to make up our own mind as to "what happened next," and not told that everything was going to be OK.
A great American movie that makes the person think and talk about was The Usual Suspects. For anybody who hasn't actually seen this movie, do so please. It is a fantastic movie. This movie made you think and wonder all the way through, right until the very last second of the movie. When it was done, I recall looking at my wife in shock as what we just witnessed for two hours. Only thing to say is Keyser Soze!
A great movie or TV show should leave the viewer wanting more, and allow the viewer to make their own choices as to why things occurred. If you leave a movie or finish watching a TV show and you talk with the person/people you were with about the story, about the ending, ask questions and make statements like "Maybe the character did this because of that." Or "Wasn't it great how this character said this, alluding to the big reveal." But, if you leave a movie and say "Wow, the special effects were pretty good," or "Man, the trailer for ___ looks great" usually doesn't make for a memorable movie experience.
I started thinking about this rant because of the many complaints I have read about the Lost finale, and how there were some many questions that remained unanswered. But in the end, did the answering of those questions really need to be told to complete the story, to make it full? No, they didn't. Little details are fun to know, but in character driven dramas, those little details and questions don't need to be answered.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Lost Finale
So the end of Lost finally occurred. I was reading some posts (well over 1500 in two different threads) over at io9 and there is a good mix of love and hate for the finale. All of the hate is directed towards things like them all being dead, heaven, was it all a dream by Jack?...
By way of it being a Jack dream, I don't think so. I thought that they all had survived the crash, and essentially everyone just died (like what Christian said) at different times. The island-verse was the "true" universe and everything that happened there actually happened up until the point where a character died. Charlie died in the Looking Glass, before Jack died. Rose & Bernard and Hurley died on the island after Jack, but they all died.
Furthermore, because everyone was flawed, and they found and relied on each other on the island was likely the reason that they needed each other to move on.
I would assume that Faraday, Charlotte, Miles and Frank, weren't in the church at the end because they weren't an original cast away, as they were sent there by Charles Whidmore.
I personally liked the finale. With a show like Lost, you can't expect that all the questions will be answered. A good TV show (and a good movie) leaves off with the viewer wanting more, asking questions and discussing, and this finale, and this TV show as a whole left the viewer in that state.
It is hard to think that there will be another show so widely accepted and far out as Lost to come along again.
By way of it being a Jack dream, I don't think so. I thought that they all had survived the crash, and essentially everyone just died (like what Christian said) at different times. The island-verse was the "true" universe and everything that happened there actually happened up until the point where a character died. Charlie died in the Looking Glass, before Jack died. Rose & Bernard and Hurley died on the island after Jack, but they all died.
Furthermore, because everyone was flawed, and they found and relied on each other on the island was likely the reason that they needed each other to move on.
I would assume that Faraday, Charlotte, Miles and Frank, weren't in the church at the end because they weren't an original cast away, as they were sent there by Charles Whidmore.
I personally liked the finale. With a show like Lost, you can't expect that all the questions will be answered. A good TV show (and a good movie) leaves off with the viewer wanting more, asking questions and discussing, and this finale, and this TV show as a whole left the viewer in that state.
It is hard to think that there will be another show so widely accepted and far out as Lost to come along again.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Empire Strikes Back
30 years ago today, the greatest sequel ever made was released to the masses. The sequel, the Empire Strikes Back, is considered to many an even grander movie that the Original Star Wars. Below is the original trailer for Episode 5.
Who wouldn't want to watch this movie after watching the trailer? Only crazy people, that is who!
So what makes it so fantastic? What makes it that this movie the crowning jewel of the Star Wars universe? Well, it may be because in this movie, the bad guys take the lead. At the end of Episode IV, the good guys, win, the Death Star was destroyed, Han Solo is still a scummy space pirate, but he came to save the day.
In episode V, Luke loses a limb, Vadar becomes even more evil, Han become encased in Carbonite, Lando betrays his people on cloud city, only to be redeemed at the end, there is a fantastic battle on Hoth. The dialog is better. The acting is better. There is nothing that isn't to like about it.
I suppose, because this is the second act, there is the tragedy that need to occur so that the Heroes can come back and kick some butt in the end.
My quest now, is to somehow get it so that I can raise my child/children without knowing the the big reveal at the end of the movie, so that I can see the shock on their faces at the big reveal.
Who wouldn't want to watch this movie after watching the trailer? Only crazy people, that is who!
So what makes it so fantastic? What makes it that this movie the crowning jewel of the Star Wars universe? Well, it may be because in this movie, the bad guys take the lead. At the end of Episode IV, the good guys, win, the Death Star was destroyed, Han Solo is still a scummy space pirate, but he came to save the day.
In episode V, Luke loses a limb, Vadar becomes even more evil, Han become encased in Carbonite, Lando betrays his people on cloud city, only to be redeemed at the end, there is a fantastic battle on Hoth. The dialog is better. The acting is better. There is nothing that isn't to like about it.
I suppose, because this is the second act, there is the tragedy that need to occur so that the Heroes can come back and kick some butt in the end.
My quest now, is to somehow get it so that I can raise my child/children without knowing the the big reveal at the end of the movie, so that I can see the shock on their faces at the big reveal.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Michael Emerson
So over on the io9 message boards, I got to talking with vinylrake about the idea of Michael Emerson doing a one man stage production of the entire six seasons of Lost. If you don't know who Michael Emerson is, he is the actor that plays the character Ben Linus. The man truly steals the scene whenever he is on the screen. The fact that, no matter what universe that he is in, he is beaten up just makes me laugh, not from the violent point of view, but the ridiculousness of the whole idea that everyone hates Ben and has to hit him when they see him.
Ben, since he was introduced in mid season one, has been the driving force of the Antagonists on the island. He was originally captured by the survivors and tortured by Sayid, before the survivors realized who he was. Whenever Ben is on the screen, you can never tell what he is planning. Throughout the entire series, he has double and triple crossed everyone what he comes in contact with, which makes a perfect villain. You never know what is going to happen when Ben is on the screen, and the way that is portrayed by Michael Emerson couldn't be any better.
After the power of the internet and facebook in getting Betty White to host Saturday Night Live, why not have the power of the internet to show our love for Michael Emerson.
here is the link to the website:
Ben, since he was introduced in mid season one, has been the driving force of the Antagonists on the island. He was originally captured by the survivors and tortured by Sayid, before the survivors realized who he was. Whenever Ben is on the screen, you can never tell what he is planning. Throughout the entire series, he has double and triple crossed everyone what he comes in contact with, which makes a perfect villain. You never know what is going to happen when Ben is on the screen, and the way that is portrayed by Michael Emerson couldn't be any better.
After the power of the internet and facebook in getting Betty White to host Saturday Night Live, why not have the power of the internet to show our love for Michael Emerson.
here is the link to the website:
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
So yesterday was the second to last episode of Lost. As excited as I am to watch the show each week, a small portion of my heart is getting ready for the inevitable ending of a show that I (and Sylvia, who always "reluctantly" watches the show, but secretly loves it as much as me) have invested so much time watching and thinking about.
We learned many-a thing. Why did Charles Whidmore come back and how? (He was invited and told he had a mission to do by Jacob). Who is going to replace the ghost of Jacob as the islands protector? (To "everyones surprise", it was Jack. Definitely didn't see that coming (please note the sarcasm)). We also find out that the big concert at the Whidmores seems to be the focal point of everything that is going to happen in the alternate universe. I suspect Faraday, along with Miami Vice Desmond, will allow the Castaways to choose the universe that they want to stay in. It will be Jack's decision that will be the toughest, I think, because he has a real life with relationships off the island.
It certainly was one of the best shows this season, and maybe one of the best shows period. It is leading up to a great finale (I hope). Just a few more days and we will see how it all plays out.
We learned many-a thing. Why did Charles Whidmore come back and how? (He was invited and told he had a mission to do by Jacob). Who is going to replace the ghost of Jacob as the islands protector? (To "everyones surprise", it was Jack. Definitely didn't see that coming (please note the sarcasm)). We also find out that the big concert at the Whidmores seems to be the focal point of everything that is going to happen in the alternate universe. I suspect Faraday, along with Miami Vice Desmond, will allow the Castaways to choose the universe that they want to stay in. It will be Jack's decision that will be the toughest, I think, because he has a real life with relationships off the island.
It certainly was one of the best shows this season, and maybe one of the best shows period. It is leading up to a great finale (I hope). Just a few more days and we will see how it all plays out.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
So I was in rural Nova Scotia over the weekend. For any who don't know, it is like night and day with the English language. Anyway, on our trip, we (the family) came across a yard sale. Never ones to pass up a deal, we pull over and check it out.
I was in the car, and was waiting for Sylvia to return. When she came back, she said the following to me:
"The batteries into it work?"
I said "Excuse me?!"
"The batteries into it work?"
Now, I had no idea what the hell she was talking about. Apparently, at said yard sale, someone was asking the above to the person who was selling a cordless phone. What the person was actually asking was "Do the batteries in it work?" which still isn't really a correct sentence.
Now, I know that I am not prize winner when it comes to English; it was never my strong suit. I do say intelligently accepted terms like "There's nine birds in the back yard" and not the proper english "There are nine birds in the back yard." Granted, I only will say "There's" I would never write it down, nor would I ever say "There is nine..." because that just sounds odd.
In the words of the great Ralph Wiggum "Me fail English? That's Unpossible!"
I was in the car, and was waiting for Sylvia to return. When she came back, she said the following to me:
"The batteries into it work?"
I said "Excuse me?!"
"The batteries into it work?"
Now, I had no idea what the hell she was talking about. Apparently, at said yard sale, someone was asking the above to the person who was selling a cordless phone. What the person was actually asking was "Do the batteries in it work?" which still isn't really a correct sentence.
Now, I know that I am not prize winner when it comes to English; it was never my strong suit. I do say intelligently accepted terms like "There's nine birds in the back yard" and not the proper english "There are nine birds in the back yard." Granted, I only will say "There's" I would never write it down, nor would I ever say "There is nine..." because that just sounds odd.
In the words of the great Ralph Wiggum "Me fail English? That's Unpossible!"
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